Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bad decisions

Every once in a while we all make mistakes. Some of those mistakes are ones you cannot avoid. You know, like driving into a new city and not knowing that the exit ramp is on the left instead of the right (see the I-10 eastbound exit where it exits to I-45 South). You feel crappy that you just missed the exit to take you to a relative's house or to that new Downtown restaurant. But then there are those that you make just on plain good faith or the benefit of the doubt.

I make one of those mistakes yesterday at Best Buy (the mistake was not going into BBY).

We were in our local Best Buy to pick up some discounted DVD's. If you know me, you know I NEVER BUY MOVIES... I watch them on TV. Nevertheless we were in search of some decent titles, priced and otherwise. AND, if you know me, I also am a HUGE fan of Porsche and some other high end sports cars. With these two factors in mind, I came across this movie, "Redline".

I thought," Hey! That's the movie that Eddie Griffith (a comedian I like) totalled a Ferrari Enzo in that movie. It might be pretty cool". At least I would get to see other "supercars" racing around and probably some hot girls, too. GREAT!!! Let's see some action and I know there's a Porsche Carrera GT in there some where. And worse case scenario, it was only five bucks.

I STAND CORRECTED. This is the worst movie in the ENTIRE WORLD! And I have seen a bunch of them, trust me. I used to be in college, remember?

To start, the plot line is awful. I have seen others like this but they had some other redeeming quality about them. Not in this case. High stakes racing in combination with bad-acting is NOT a winning team.

Then there are numerous cuts to "the driver's hands" where he/she is shifting from 3rd gear to 4th gear doing 200+ mph. In what? A top fuel dragster? No, a Ferrari which top speed is 196mph. Whoops!

Oh and then there's my favorite part... During one race where the lead female is racing and the guy she's racing is losing in his Lamborghini Diablo and he punches his nitrous button and crashes. Luckily the story ends for this guy because he dies, saying i his last breath, "I won."
Who puts nitrous on a Diablo?

And them there's the obligatory "race scenes" where the cars are neck-and-neck. In one scene, four cars are even in the race and the speedometers on these cars all say something dramatically different. Speeds ranging from 120 to 220. What a fukkin' joke. The best part of this movie is the credits.

There was only one other movie that I can remember that was so bad that I couldn't stand to watch it anymore... Leprechaun. This was worse. I tried to turn it off but felt compelled to finish it because I had already wasted so much time watching it. I was pot-committed.

The moral of this story is this: If you think it blows, good chances it does.

And Eddie Griffin owes me 5 bucks.

typical first entry

hello world!
whoops wrong programming... Hello all. This is a new venture for me and like most things I do, I jump all over it...

This space will be a forum for my random thoughts, unusual events, and dreams (seems like all of those are happening more frequently lately). Please feel free to tell me I'm an idiot. I can take it. I have thick skin.

I promise there will be no political agendas forced upon you here... unless I really feel passionate about that particular subject (i.e. fukked up drivers).

So grab a rail, slap on your seat belt (optional) and let's see what the fukk happens.