Saturday, May 11, 2013

missing something

U need the thing... that thing that pushes u... that thing that makes u get up when u don't want to... that thing that makes u...... yern for the heat... the smolder... the shit that makes u batshitfukkin crazy! I neeeed that... and I can't seem to find it. Maybe because I'm "looking." Or maybe it's not the right time. Or I'm paying back a karma check I forgot I wrote. Can't remember how many zeros was in that mother fucker either. It may not be a need. But a want. My soul, as black as it is, needs to feed on that fire. That heat. I need to explode. Unleash the oceanic wave of lust and passion and connectivity with a another castoff in epic proportions. I almost feel bad for the one that gets painted next. wanna be distracted. Encouraged. Anxious. Fucking riled up! So what you got? Anything? Nothing?